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ARTrageous's gala defines excellency on ART and Philanthropy

Last night, Linda Argila, Founder of ARTrageous hosted a celebration in honor of Hour Children's 30yr Anniversary at Cipriani, 25 Broadway. The evening honored the incredible philanthropic work of Diana Widmaier Picasso, Janna Bullock, Peter Tunney, Kim Wepler, and Lydia Weiss. With over 550 guests, the star-studded creative black-tie fundraiser had over fifty prestigious live and silent auctions featuring significant works of art plus luxury items and experiences. The unique event benefits children and families through art. Besides being a life-enhancing evening, it is a rare opportunity to collect renowned artwork from top artists, such as John Armleder, Donald Baechler, Damien Hirst, Stephen Hannock, Vik Muniz, Robert Polidori, Cindy Sherman and many more.

Today in the U.S., over 2.7 million children are victims of parental incarceration. Hour Children is a nonprofit striving to end the cycle of intergenerational incarceration. The organization offers programs and services to over 5,000 families annually, helping formerly imprisoned women reunify with their children and build healthy independent lives. Hour Children was named to acknowledge the important hours that shape the life of a child with an incarcerated mother– the hour of their mother's arrest, the hour of their prison visit, and the more hopeful hour of reunification.

WHO: Linda Argila (Founder of ARTrageous), Ashley Argila (Linda's daughter), Diana Widmaier Picasso (Art Historian & Honoree), Maxwell (Recording Artist), Peter Brant (Socialite),Alina Baikova (Model), Jessica White (Model), Buster Skrine (NY Jets Player), Ubah Hassan (Model), Elena Kurnosova (Model), Kristin Cole (TV Reporter), Nicole Miller (Designer), Sunjoo Moon (Designer), Mery Racauchi (Designer), Rubin Singer (Designer), Sister Teresa Fitzgerald (Founder of Hour Children), Janna Bullock (Philanthropist & Honoree), Peter Tunney (Artist & Honoree), Kim Wepler (Philanthropist & Honoree), Lydia Weiss (Philanthropist & Honoree), Xin Li (Deputy Chairman of Christie's Asia), Ayanat Ksenbai (Actress), Carole Crist (Former First Lady of Florida), Roy Sebag (Entrepreneur & Writer), Baron Von Fancy (Artist), Donald Baechler(Artist), Stephen Hannock (Artist), Jerome Lucani (Artist), Stephen Tunick (Artist). WHAT: ARTrageous Gala Dinner + Art Auction benefiting Hour Children's 30th Anniversary. The gala is spearheaded by Linda Argila, founder of ARTrageous, for the anniversary of Hour Children, a leading nonprofit celebrating 30 years of aiding women, children, and families in New York City.

WHEN: Monday, November 6, 2017

WHERE: Cipriani, 25 Broadway, New York.

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