This album was fully written, produced, and performed by Austin Colon including the artwork for the cover! Recorded at Earthshine Studios.
Austin is a songwriter/producer from northeastern Pennsylvania. A lifelong musician, Austin went to the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he began working on several songs that would make up his first EP "Dreaming at the End of the Universe". After graduating he moved back to Pennsylvania and started working on his first full album "The Path Ahead" which is a meditation of loss, sorrow, and also optimism, and joy. It was a difficult process, as he did everything on the album, from the performances to the artwork. Taking cues from artists like Bon Iver, Radiohead, Neil Young, and Father John Misty, Austin pulled together all of his influences and added his voice to the songs that make up "The Path Ahead". He now resides in New York City, working on his follow-up album and playing the indie circuit.
Indie solo artist/writer/producer
Name of Album: The Path Ahead
Album Review:
Article by: Justyn Brodsky
A lot of artists nowadays tend to put their music out impulsively or recklessly. Usually because of ulterior motives, lack of ambition, or just trying to make a quick buck.
But then some true artists enter the studio bound and determined to compose, create, and produce something captivating, intelligently crafted, and magically multifaceted. Austin Colon‘s LP The Path Ahead is one of those rare cases.
It’s true, this is a rare gem in this era of fame-hunger and impulsivity. A diamond in the rough, but shines brighter than anything you’ve seen or heard in a long time. The Path Ahead isn’t just an album you hear, it’s an album you feel.
With brilliantly produced tracks that offer up some very dynamic twists and turns, this acoustic-infused Alt/Rock record with a folky feel-good vibe has a vast array of different styles and versatile elements that’ll keep you hooked on every song. Austin‘s range is very fine-tuned and crisp with his vocal delivery, and makes very good use of both lyrical content and the melodies that bring him to the forefront.
Austin had one priority straight — catchy choruses. Each track has a chorus that uplifts the verses and keeps the flow of every track very effective. With very subtle and ambient piano tracks adding to the overall texture and progression of each song, Austin‘s musicianship factors are showcased very powerfully throughout this entire album and get you to feel the vibe and aura that The Path Ahead brings to the atmosphere.
With a Bob Dylan-like influential vocal execution, we get a great glimpse into Austin‘s authenticity and natural-born talent that emulates each track. Another key element about this album as a whole is transition; each song flows to the next in a way that reminds you of reading chapters from a book. It tells a story from many angles, provides a very distinctive narrative, but also gives a taste of something different in every chapter. In a way, The Path Ahead is more than just an album, it’s a musical masterpiece of literature.
Just like Pearl Jam’s Ten, Incubus’s S.C.I.E.N.C.E., Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon, and Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Californication, Austin Colon‘s The Path Ahead is an album where you never skip over one track, and you can always come back to it and fall in love with these songs all over again. They never get old, and never lose their impact.
If you just discovered The Path Ahead from this article, you’ll be very happy that you did. You can thank us later.
Austin Colón | ReverbNation
Goal: To have my Music/Album heard and appreciated worldwide!!
Contact: Austin Colón